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Protect the Brain. Improve the Brain
The SportsBrain Concussion Management system offers a web based dashboard and mobile app that tracks all athletes/students from on-line concussion education and baseline concussion testing through any post injury care. ​

Concussion prevention begins with education. No matter how much you spend on safety equipment, concussions can still happen - not only in sports but in everyday life. Our educational program focuses on teaching students, coaches and parents what they need to know and do to in the case of a head injury. We teach the facts AND the myths about concussions.

Baseline Concussion Testing
Having a baseline neuro-cognitive and/or balance test on file is one of the most effective tools a physician can evaluate to know when an individual has recovered from a head injury. This data helps guide our return to learn and return to play protocols.

Post Injury Care
Daily symptom checklists, combined with post injury assessments, and proper medical care, are essential to a complete recovery. The SportsBrain Concussion Management Program uses this post injury information to help provide proper academic care plans and progressive exertion programs for sports and daily activities.
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