Originally based in the Chicago area, SportsBrain partners with schools, medical facilities, and youth athletic groups to provide concussion management programs for any size organization. With hundreds of partner organizations and more than 100,000 athletes using the system.
We Provide
Concussion Education with Electronic Documentation
Baseline Concussion Testing
Unlimited Post Injury Testing
Symptom Tracking
Athletic Trainer Dashboard
Symptom Specific Academic Accommodations
Progressive Exertion Guidelines
Return to Play Guidelines
School Counselor/Nurse Integration
​By partnering with SportsBrain, your organization will help protect your members in the event of a concussion whether it happens on the playing field or home. Proper post injury care provides a safe and timely return to both the classroom and field. ​

Illinois Concussion Laws - Are you compliant?
Illinois state law requires ALL coaches, whether working within a school district or club, to complete a 2 hour concussion certification course every other year. SportsBrain has developed a curriculum and is an approved provider of this educational course. A SportsBrain representative can come to your school, or provide a Zoom training, and provide this 2 hour course to certify all of your coaches - Contact David Bookstaff to learn more.

Concussions have increased 60% over past decade - and up to 85% are never reported! (source: CDC)

So you can return to the classroom or field safely.

Concussion #2 can be fatal
95 percent of Second Impact Syndrome (SIS) occurrences happen to youth athletes 18 years old and under. This is because their brains are still developing. SIS is a rare, but can be fatal medical emergency. It occurs when a child sustains another concussion while their previous brain injury has not yet properly healed. To protect your athlete from SIS, you must get an annual comprehensive baseline concussion test. This information will tell your physician if your child has returned to their baseline brain activity and processing levels after sustaining a concussion.
“Over my twenty plus years as a Certified Athletic Trainer, I have worked with many different concussion tools. SportsBrain, by far, has been the best overall system for complete concussion management. From initial baseline testing to properly setting up progressive exertion and return to play, and the classroom protocols, there is none better.”
– Ted Hirschfeld, ATC
"We want to be ahead of the game in providing concussion management services for all of our students, not just athletes. Our coaches are happy that SportsBrain has given us top-notch concussion care and our administration is pleased to have a fully comprehensive return to learn protocol. Partnering with SportsBrain has not only kept our kids healthy, but has guided a safer return to the classroom."
- Tom Lentine, Athletic Director
"SportsBrain has been very accessible and easy to work with. The education process for my parents and coaches has been very valuable and helped me become compliant with state laws."
- Jason Ward, Athletic Director, U-46 School District
"Working with SportsBrain has given me a lot of resources to manage my concussed athletes, as well as saved me time doing reports and communicating with coaches and physicians."
- Liane Salzer, ATC